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*note: In case you are wondering, “weren’t their way more PDFs available here before? Where’d they all go?”

I have since relocated many of these PDFs to lesson videos directly, where applicable. Make sure to check the text description for each video. Keep an eye out for ‘>>REFERENCE PDF<<‘.

That will be a link to open the corresponding PDF in a new window (feel free to download it for future reference). Hopefully this streamlines the experience for everybody!

more Materials


Daniel McGillicuddy Bass Accumulations

Daniel McGillicuddy has started his own space within the Community to share his incredibly helpful and thoughtfully presented study materials with community members. It is such a gold mine, that I had to link to his space directly. So good!


If you haven’t visited the community yet, the login is just your BassEducation username and password.


Standards Study Packs

Check out my writings for No Treble here

over 10 years of weekly articles!

downloadable (Public Domain) sheet music


This link will take you to the iReal Pro forums.

Click the first link in the forums and it will automatically import the charts into iReal Pro.


Apps I Use To Practice & Gig

*These are just apps that have found a permanent home on my device, not paid placements

  • tablet / smart-phone

  • desktop

Books I’ve Found Invaluable